Okay, thanks to the inspiration of a few of my closest friends (who also happen to be phenomenal artists - and hence, have inspired me to 'create'), I have decided to make a 'Music Blog' in order to somehow capture the majority of my improvisation ideas on the piano - about time (I've been trying to store them in the limited space in my head for years)!
So the idea is to, whenever I'm feeling any form of pent up emotion, I'm going to sit down at the piano and just let it flow out onto the keys. There probably will not be that much conciseness (or patterns) to the way I play, but there will always be a feeling and at least one idea/technique that I wish to improvise with.
And by 'improvise' I mean 100% spur-of-the-moment playing (ie no prior playing/practice - make-it-up-as-you-go-kinda-thing) so as to properly project my true feelings.
Wish me luck!
This song is done in F and only revolves around two keys (F and B Minor). So it does tend to stagnate near the end as I'm just looping the same feelings over-and-over again until satisfied to finish. Finger slips here and there, overuse of some held phrases, and a very poor ending but otherwise this was the first song that actually passed my own highly-critical self-examination to actually put up online, so ah..'hooray'? (had over 300 video attempts to start this blog already)
F Major. Feeling: Carefree. Very simple technique, played along several different octaves (will probably redo this in the future).
Dedicated to Sarah, Natasha and Min-Yee for the belief.
Peace. Jono